The module [xml_base] provides an reentrant interface for the parsing, interpretation and transformation of XML documents.
XmlApp_T | Abstract XML application type |
XmlCtx_T | Abstract XML parser type |
XmlApp_T XML_app_init ( XMLHDL_io_init io_init, XMLHDL_io_cleanup io_quit, XMLHDL_io_create_handle io_create, XMLHDL_io_drop_handle io_drop, XMLHDL_io_download io_download ) | init XML application; optional I/O handler: 'io_init' = init download module 'io_quit' = cleanup download module 'io_create' = create download handle 'io_drop' = drop download handle 'io_download' = download URL to (string) stream |
void XML_app_quit(XmlApp_T xmlapp) | quit XML application; release resources |
XmlCtx_T XML_init ( XmlApp_T xmlapp, void (*prMsg)(c_string msg), c_bool verbose, c_bool diagnose ) | init XML parsing; 'prMsg' --> print function or NULL 'verbose' --> (de)activate progress information 'diagnose' --> (de)activate diagnose information |
void XML_quit(XmlCtx_T xmlctx) | quit XML compilation; release resources |
void XML_set_verbose(XmlCtx_T xmlctx, c_bool verbose) | (de)activate progress information |
void XML_set_diagnose(XmlCtx_T xmlctx, c_bool diagnose) | (de)activate diagnose information |
void XML_set_context(XmlCtx_T xmlctx, Any_T extctx) | set external context information |
Any_T XML_get_context(XmlCtx_T xmlctx) | get external context information |
void XML_get_trees(XmlCtx_T xmlctx, symbol* root, MAP(symbol,PT_Term)* trees) | get document trees |
int XML_load_file ( XmlCtx_T xmlctx, c_string xmldoc, c_string cset, c_bool dtd, c_bool all ) | parses XML/DTD definition in file 'xmldoc' and constructs the corresponding tree; 'cset' = character set name ( UCS4, UTF-8, MS:CodePage / GNU:iconv-based ) 'dtd' = True --> 'xmldoc' contains DTD definitions 'all' = True --> loads all referenced documents RC > 0: number of (syntax and semantic) errors RC = -1: tree construction failed RC = 0: successful load |
int XML_load_string ( XmlCtx_T xmlctx, c_string xmldoc, unsigned int len, c_string cset, c_bool dtd, c_bool all ) | parses XML definition in string 'xmldoc' and constructs the corresponding tree; 'len' = string size in bytes, inclusive terminating bytes 'cset' = character set name ( UCS4, UTF-8, MS:CodePage / GNU:iconv-based ) 'dtd' = True --> 'xmldoc' contains DTD definitions 'all' = True --> loads all referenced documents RC > 0: number of syntax and semantic errors RC = -1: tree construction failed RC = 0: successful load |
int XML_load_url ( XmlCtx_T xmlctx, c_string xmldoc, c_string cset, c_string auth, c_bool dtd, c_bool all ) | parses XML definition identified by URL 'xmldoc' and constructs the corresponding tree; 'cset' = character set name ( UCS4, UTF-8, MS:CodePage / GNU:iconv-based ) 'auth' = optional user authentification ( format: user:passwd ) 'dtd' = True --> 'xmldoc' contains DTD definitions 'all' = True --> loads all referenced documents RC > 0: number of syntax and semantic errors RC = -1: tree construction failed RC = 0: successful load assertion: valid I/O handler |