[ptm.h] Type: Parse Tree / Term


#include "otab.h"
#include "binimg.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "sink.h"

Parse Tree

   [ptm] implements the parse i.e. derivation tree as special term data type.

   Term representation

     Three forms of term representation are supported by the construction functions.

     C: This is an efficient representation which lacks an explicit list node
        for the childs of a nonterminal node.

     Xaron: This is a Lisp-like representation with an explicit list node
            for the childs of a nonterminal node. ( used by the xaron project )

     ABS: This is a special optimized representation of the abstract parse tree only
          with all keywords and comments discarded. For a traversal of the tree you
          must use the abstract variant of the generated function interface.

   Definition of the symbol position

     1. Terminal         : Position of the first terminal character
     2. Nonterminal      : Position of the first terminal character if exists
     3. Empty production : Position of the first character of the next terminal


PT_Term Abstract parse tree type
PT_Itr Abstract parse tree iterator type

Construction & Disposing

PT_Term PT_newTNode(symbol cfgsym, short symcls, symbol value)
C: creates a node for
token 'cfgsym' of type 'symcls' and 'value'

PT_Term XPT_newTNode(symbol cfgsym, short symcls, symbol value)
Xaron: creates a node for
token 'cfgsym' of type 'symcls' and 'value'

PT_Term PT_newNtNode(symbol cfgsym, symbol prdsym, PT_Term parts)
C: creates a node for nonterminal 'cfgsym',
production 'prdsym' and child nodes 'parts'

PT_Term XPT_newNtNode(symbol cfgsym, symbol prdsym, List(PT_Term) parts)
Xaron: creates a node for nonterminal 'cfgsym',
production 'prdsym' and child nodes 'parts'

PT_Term PT_updVal(PT_Term PTree, Any_T value)
updates token node 'PTree' with 'value'; returns 'PTree'
PT_Term PT_updPos(PT_Term PTree, symbol file, long row, long col)
updates node 'PTree' with the position 'file', 'row' and 'col';
returns 'PTree'

PT_Term PT_consT(PT_Term left, PT_Term right)
C: child node concatenation:
child list = cons('left','right')

List(PT_Term) XPT_consT(PT_Term left, List(PT_Term) right)
Xaron: child node concatenation:
child list = cons('left','right')

PT_Term PT_copyPos(PT_Term left, PT_Term right)
assigns position of node 'right' to node 'left';
returns 'left'

PT_Term PT_copyNode(PT_Term PTree)
copies node 'PTree' ( without child nodes )
void PT_delT(PT_Term PTree)
removes parse tree / term 'PTree'



c_bool PT_isXaron(PT_Term PTree)
whether 'PTree' is a Xaron-konform parse tree / term
c_bool PT_isNonTerm(PT_Term PTree)
whether 'PTree' starts with a nonterminal node
c_bool PT_isCFG(PT_Term PTree)
whether 'PTree' is an embedded language node
c_bool PT_isToken(PT_Term PTree)
whether 'PTree' is a token node
c_bool PT_isKey(PT_Term PTree)
whether 'PTree' is a keyword node
c_bool PT_isComment(PT_Term PTree)
whether 'PTree' is a comment node
c_bool PT_hasPos(PT_Term PTree)
whether node 'PTree' contains position informations


symbol PT_product(PT_Term PTree)
production symbol of node 'PTree';
assertion: PT_isNonTerm(PTree)

symbol PT_symbol(PT_Term PTree)
symbol of node 'PTree' ( NT,T )
short PT_symtyp(PT_Term PTree)
symbol type of node 'PTree' ( NT/T, see [cfg_dfn] )
symbol PT_value(PT_Term PTree)
token value of node 'PTree'
assertion: ! PT_isNonTerm(PTree) && ! PT_isCFG(PTree)

PT_Term PT_cfg(PT_Term PTree)
embedded language of node 'PTree'
assertion: PT_isCFG(PTree)

symbol PT_file(PT_Term PTree)
position - source file of node 'PTree'
assertion: PT_hasPos(PTree)

long PT_row(PT_Term PTree)
position - source line of node 'PTree'
assertion: PT_hasPos(PTree)

long PT_col(PT_Term PTree)
position - source column of node 'PTree'
assertion: PT_hasPos(PTree)

PT_Term PT_next(PT_Term PTree)
C: next node / rest of child list 'PTree' or NULL
PT_Term PT_parts(PT_Term PTree)
C: child list ( first node ) of node 'PTree'
assertion: PT_isNonTerm(PTree)

List(PT_Term) XPT_parts(PT_Term PTree)
Xaron: child list of node 'PTree'
assertion: PT_isNonTerm(PTree)

List(PT_Term)* XPT_parts_ref(PT_Term PTree)
Xaron: pointer reference to child list of node 'PTree'
assertion: PT_isNonTerm(PTree)

Convenience macros for identifying a certain nonterminal, token or production

#define PT_THISNTM(t,s) ( ( PT_isNonTerm(t) && PT_symbol(t)  == (s) ) ? \
                          C_True : C_False )
#define PT_THISTOK(t,s) ( ( PT_isToken(t)   && PT_symbol(t)  == (s) ) ? \
                          C_True : C_False )
#define PT_THISPRD(t,p) ( ( PT_isNonTerm(t) && PT_product(t) == (p) ) ? \
                          C_True : C_False )


int PT_cntST_ex
      PT_Term PTree, c_bool (*filter)(PT_Term PTree, Any_T any), Any_T any
number of nodes t within child list of node 'PTree'
sacrifying condition filter(t,any) = False

int PT_cntST(PT_Term PTree, c_bool (*filter)(PT_Term PTree))
number of nodes t within child list of node 'PTree'
sacrifying condition filter(t) = False

PT_Term PT_nthST_ex
          PT_Term PTree, int nth,
          c_bool (*filter)(PT_Term PTree, Any_T any), Any_T any
'nth' node t within child list of node 'PTree'
sacrifying condition filter(t,any) = False

PT_Term PT_nthST(PT_Term PTree, int nth, c_bool (*filter)(PT_Term PTree))
'nth' node t within child list of node 'PTree'
sacrifying condition filter(t) = False

int PT_symbolCnt(PT_Term PTree, symbol cfgsym, c_bool filter)
filter --> number of nodes with symbol 'cfgsym'
else --> number of token and nonterminal nodes
( skipping keywords and comments )
within child list of node 'PTree'

PT_Term PT_nthSymbol(PT_Term PTree, symbol cfgsym, int nth, c_bool filter)
filter --> 'nth' node with symbol 'cfgsym'
else --> 'nth' token or nonterminal node
( skipping keywords and comments )
within child list of node 'PTree' [nth=1..PT_symbolCnt]

PT_Term PT_nthMember(PT_Term PTree, int nth)
'nth' token, keyword or nonterminal node
( skipping comments )
within child list of node 'PTree' [nth=1..PT_symbolCnt]

PT_Term PT_r_find
          PT_Term PTree, c_bool (*pred)(PT_Term PTree, StdCPtr any), StdCPtr any
first subterm t of parse tree / term 'PTree'
sacrifying condition pred(t,any) ( recursive )

PT_Term PT_l_find
          PT_Term PTree, c_bool (*pred)(PT_Term PTree, StdCPtr any), StdCPtr any
first subterm t of parse tree / term 'PTree'
sacrifying condition pred(t,any) ( non-recursive )

Term Iterator

Traversal order

All nodes will be visited in pre and post order.

#define PT_ROOT   1 // root / start order
#define PT_PRAE   2 // pre order
#define PT_POST   3 // post order

PT_Itr PT_newIT(PT_Term PTree)
creates an iterator for parse tree / term 'PTree'
void PT_delIT(PT_Itr iter)
removes term iterator 'iter'
PT_Itr PT_copyIT(PT_Itr iter)
copies term iterator 'iter'
short PT_stateIT(PT_Itr iter)
current traversal order of term iterator 'iter'

PT_Term PT_termIT(PT_Itr iter)
current node of term iterator 'iter'
OT_Tab PT_stackIT(PT_Itr iter)
current node stack of term iterator 'iter'
c_bool PT_df_getIT(PT_Itr iter)
next node of term iterator 'iter'
in depth first, prae/post order ;
returns False on end-of-term

c_bool PT_bf_getIT(PT_Itr iter)
next node of term iterator 'iter'
in breast first, prae/post order;
returns False on end-of-term

c_bool PT_filterIT(PT_Itr iter, c_bool (*get)(PT_Itr iter))
next node of term iterator 'iter' in prae/post order
sacrifying filter condition get(iter),
skipping comments and keywords;
returns False on end-of-term i.e. notfound

void PT_skipIT(PT_Itr iter)
skips subterms of current node in term iterator 'iter'
assertion: current traversal order = PT_PRAE

Convenient iterator macros

 For - statement with basic iterators. Make sure to
     free the iterator if you leave the loop via break.

#define PT_FORALL(it,tr)      for( (it)   = PT_newIT(tr);            \
                                   ( PT_df_getIT(it) )               \
                                   ? C_True : ( PT_delIT(it), C_False ); )
#define PT_FORALL_F(it,tr)    for( (it)   = PT_newIT(tr);            \
                                   ( PT_filterIT(it,PT_df_getIT) )   \
                                   ? C_True : ( PT_delIT(it), C_False ); )
#define PT_FORALL_BF(it,tr)   for( (it)   = PT_newIT(tr);            \
                                   ( PT_bf_getIT(it) )               \
                                   ? C_True : ( PT_delIT(it), C_False ); )
#define PT_FORALL_BF_F(it,tr) for( (it)   = PT_newIT(tr);            \
                                   ( PT_filterIT(it,PT_bf_getIT) )   \
                                   ? C_True : ( PT_delIT(it), C_False ); )
#define PT_BREAK(it)          { PT_delIT(it); break; }

Hashing & Predicates

long PT_hash(PT_Term PTree)
hash value of parse tree / term 'PTree'
c_bool PT_equal(PT_Term left, PT_Term right)
term 'left' = term 'right' ?
c_bool PT_subterm(PT_Term left, PT_Term right)
term 'left' <= term 'right' ?

Binary Image

void PT_fputT(BinImg_T img, PT_Term PTree)
unloads parse tree / term 'PTree'
to binary image 'img' (reentrant)

void PT_putT(PT_Term PTree)
unloads parse tree / term 'PTree'
to the current ( previously opened ) image

void PT_fgetT(BinImg_T img, PT_Term* PTree)
loads parse tree / term 'PTree'
from binary image 'img' (reentrant)

void PT_getT(PT_Term* PTree)
loads parse tree / term 'PTree'
from the current ( previously opened ) image


void PT_prind(PT_Term PTree, int ind)
prints parse tree / term 'PTree' to stdout
( with indent 'ind' )

void PT_prind_utf8(PT_Term PTree, int ind)
prints utf8 parse tree / term 'PTree' to stdout
( with indent 'ind' )

void PT_prind_rawutf8(PT_Term PTree, int ind)
prints utf8 parse tree / term 'PTree' to stdout
( printable ascii or hex, with indent 'ind' )

void PT_print(PT_Term PTree)
prints parse tree / term 'PTree' to stdout
void PT_print_utf8(PT_Term PTree)
prints utf8 parse tree / term 'PTree' to stdout
void PT_print_rawutf8(PT_Term PTree)
prints utf8 parse tree / term 'PTree' to stdout
( printable ascii or hex )

void PT_TermToString(PT_Term PTree)
prints value of parse tree / term 'PTree' to stdout
void PT_TermToSink(PT_Term PTree, Sink snk)
prints value of parse tree / term 'PTree' to sink 'snk'
( without comments )


PT_Term PT_keycom_Skip(PT_Term x)
C: skips comment and keyword nodes in child list 'x';
returns first token / nonterminal node or NULL

List(PT_Term) XPT_keycom_Skip(List(PT_Term) x)
Xaron: skips comment and keyword nodes in child list 'x';
returns next token / nonterminal node or NULL

PT_Term PT_ignkey_Skip(PT_Term x, ROW(PT_Term) coms)
skips 'ign#'-production, comment and keyword nodes
in parse tree / term 'x', collecting comment nodes in 'coms';
returns next token / nonterminal node

PT_Term PT_ign_Skip(PT_Term x)
skips 'ign#'-production, comment and keyword nodes
in parse tree / term 'x';
returns next token / nonterminal node

Xaron Support

void PT_references(PT_Term x, StdCPtr (*act)(StdCPtr r))
performs 'act' on all pointer and symbol references in node 'x'
( garbage collection service for xaron )

Parse Tree (ABS)

   The above mentioned special optimzed form of an abstract parse tree can be
   produced with the following - non-reentrant - unload/load-API.

         parse tree         --- unload --->
                                              binary image
         parse tree (ABS)  <---  load  ---

Types & Macros

PT_Abs_Term Abstract parse tree type [ABS]

#define PT_Abs_nonterm(X)   ((symbol)(((long __HUGE*)(X))[0]))
#define PT_Abs_token(X)     ((symbol)(((long __HUGE*)(X))[0]))
#define PT_Abs_product(X)   ((symbol)(((long __HUGE*)(X))[1]))
#define PT_Abs_value(X)     ((symbol)(((long __HUGE*)(X))[2]))
#define PT_Abs_part(X,N)    ((PT_Abs_Term)(((long __HUGE*)(X))[2+(N)]))
#define PT_Abs_cfg(X)       ((PT_Abs_Term)(((long __HUGE*)(X))[2+(1)]))

#define PT_Abs_isToken(X)   (PT_Abs_product(X) == (symbol)NULL)
#define PT_Abs_isNonTerm(X) (PT_Abs_product(X) != (symbol)NULL)
#define PT_Abs_isCFG(X) \
  (PT_Abs_product(X) == (symbol)NULL && PT_Abs_value(X) == NULL)

Init & Quit

void PT_putBgn(void)
initializes abstract term putting
void PT_putEnd(void)
quits abstract term putting
void PT_getBgn(void)
initializes abstract term getting
void PT_getEnd(void)
quits abstract term getting

Put & Get

long PT_Symbol_to_Ref(symbol s)
reference corresponding to symbol 's'
long PT_putSymbol(symbol s)
creates a reference for symbol 's'
void PT_putAllSymbols(void)
puts all symbol references
to the current ( previously opened ) binary image

void PT_getAllSymbols(void)
gets all symbol references
from the current ( previously opened ) binary image

symbol PT_getSymbol(long RefId)
symbol corresponding to reference 'RefId'
long PT_Term_to_Ref(PT_Term PTree)
abstract term reference corresponding to parse tree 'PTree'
( unload phase )

PT_Abs_Term PT_Ref_to_Term(long __HUGE* nodes, long RefId)
abstract term in node array 'nodes'
corresponding to reference 'RefId'
( load phase )

long PT_putAbsNode(PT_Term PTree)
creates an abstract term reference for parse tree 'PTree'
void PT_putAbsT(void)
puts all abstract term references
to the current ( previously opened ) binary image

long __HUGE* PT_getAbsT(void)
gets all abstract term references
from the current ( previously opened ) binary image

long __HUGE* PT_patchAbsT(long __HUGE* nodes)
patches all abstract term references
in node array 'nodes'; returns 'nodes'


void PT_delAbsT(long __HUGE* nodes)
removes node array 'nodes' with abstract term references