[otab.h] Type: Operational Table


#include "standard.h"
#include "prim.h"


   This module implements a dynamic array as operational table data type.
   The internal element vector will be automatically resized on element
   insertion and disposal.

OT_Tab Abstract operational table type
OT_Obj Abstract table element type
OT_Objs Abstract element vector type

#define ROW(type)      OT_Tab

Creation and basic access

OT_Tab OT_create
         OT_Obj (*copy)(OT_Obj obj),             
         void (*del)(OT_Obj obj),                
         c_bool (*equal)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj) 
#define OT_CREATE(type,cpy,del,equ)                 \
        OT_create                                   \
        (                                           \
          (OT_Obj (*)(OT_Obj obj))             cpy, \
          (void (*)(OT_Obj obj))               del, \
          (c_bool (*)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj)) equ  \
#define OT_CREATE_ADT(type) OT_CREATE(type,primCopy,primFree,primEqual)
creates an operational table
function parameter:
copies an element
frees an element
equality on elements
OT_Tab OT_cfill
         OT_Obj (*copy)(OT_Obj obj),              
         void (*del)(OT_Obj obj),                 
         c_bool (*equal)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj), 
         OT_Obj dftval,                           
         INT ntimes                               
#define OT_CFILL(type,cpy,del,equ,dft,n)            \
        OT_cfill                                    \
        (                                           \
          (OT_Obj (*)(OT_Obj obj))             cpy, \
          (void (*)(OT_Obj obj))               del, \
          (c_bool (*)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj)) equ, \
          (OT_Obj)dft,                              \
          (n)                                       \
#define OT_CFILL_ADT(type,d,n) OT_CFILL(type,primCopy,primFree,primEqual,d,n)
#define OT_INJECT_ADT(type,d) OT_CFILL(type,primCopy,primFree,primEqual,d,1)
creates and fills an operational table ntimes with the value 'dftval'
function parameter:
copies an element
frees an element
equality on elements
default value
initial element number
void OT_init(OT_Tab tab)
#define OT_INIT OT_init
resets / initializes table 'tab'
INT OT_cnt(OT_Tab tab)
#define OT_CNT OT_cnt
number of elements in table 'tab'

Insert & Update

INT OT_t_ins(OT_Tab tab, OT_Obj obj)
#define OT_T_INS(tab,obj) OT_t_ins(tab,ABS_CAST(OT_Obj,obj))
inserts 'obj' as last element of table 'tab'
result = element index

INT OT_p_ins(OT_Tab tab, OT_Obj obj, INT nth)
#define OT_P_INS(tab,obj,nth) OT_p_ins(tab,ABS_CAST(OT_Obj,obj),nth)
inserts 'obj' as nth element of table 'tab' ( nth >= 1 )
result = element index

INT OT_s_ins
      OT_Tab tab,OT_Obj obj,int (*cmp3)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj),c_bool unique
#define OT_S_INS(tab,obj,cmp3)                      \
        OT_s_ins                                    \
        (                                           \
          tab,                                      \
          ABS_CAST(OT_Obj,obj),                     \
          (int (*)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj)) cmp3, \
          C_False                                     \
#define OT_S_INS_U(tab,obj,cmp3)                    \
        OT_s_ins                                    \
        (                                           \
          tab,                                      \
          ABS_CAST(OT_Obj,obj),                     \
          (int (*)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj)) cmp3, \
          C_True                                      \
inserts element 'obj' in table 'tab' ( sorted )
unique --> no insert if the element exists
result = element index

OT_Obj OT_upd(OT_Tab tab, INT idx, OT_Obj obj)
#define OT_UPD(type,tab,idx,obj) \
        ( ABS_CAST(type,OT_upd(tab,(idx),ABS_CAST(OT_Obj,obj))) )
updates table element tab[idx] with 'obj'

Copy & Append

OT_Objs OT_copyV(OT_Tab tab, INT size, StdCPtr (*cfun)(OT_Obj obj))
#define OT_COPY_V(type,tab,sz,fun) \
        ( ABS_CAST(type,OT_copyV(tab,(sz),(StdCPtr (*)(OT_Obj obj)) fun)) )
copies elements of table 'tab' to an array
assertion: elements of constant size

OT_Tab OT_reverse(OT_Tab tab)
#define OT_REVERSE OT_reverse
reverses elements in table 'tab' ( not copied )
OT_Tab OT_copy(OT_Tab tab)
#define OT_COPY OT_copy
copies table 'tab'
OT_Tab OT_append(OT_Tab dst, OT_Tab src)
#define OT_APPEND OT_append
appends table 'src' to table 'dst'; 'src' won't be removed

Get / Sort & Search

OT_Obj __HUGE* OT_TRICKY_objects(OT_Tab tab)
internal element array of table 'tab' ( use with care ! )
OT_Obj OT_get(OT_Tab tab, INT idx)
#define OT_GET(type,tab,idx)       ( ABS_CAST(type,OT_get(tab,(idx))) )
#define OT_GET_I(type,t,it,idx)    OT_GET(type,t,OT_GET(INT,it,(idx)))
#define OT_GET_small(type,tab,idx) ( (type)((long)OT_get(tab,(idx))) )
#define OT_GET_short(tab,idx)      ( (short)((long)OT_get(tab,(idx))) )
table element tab[idx]
INT OT_l_find(OT_Tab tab, OT_Obj obj, c_bool (*cmp)(OT_Obj tobj, OT_Obj obj))
#define OT_L_FIND_EQ(tab,obj)  \
        OT_l_find(tab,ABS_CAST(OT_Obj,obj),(c_bool (*)(OT_Obj tobj, OT_Obj Obj))NULL)
#define OT_L_FIND(tab,obj,cmp) \
        OT_l_find(tab,ABS_CAST(OT_Obj,obj),(c_bool (*)(OT_Obj tobj, OT_Obj Obj)) cmp)
position of key element 'obj' in table 'tab' or 0 ( linear search )
OT_Tab OT_sort(OT_Tab tab, int (*cmp3)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj))
#define OT_SORT(tab,cmp3) \
        OT_sort(tab,(int (*)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj)) cmp3)
sorts table 'tab' ( quicksort method )
result = index table

INT OT_b_find
      OT_Tab tab,OT_Tab idxtab,OT_Obj obj,int (*cmp3)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj)
#define OT_B_FIND_NI(tab,obj,cmp3)                 \
        OT_b_find                                  \
        (                                          \
          tab,(OT_Tab)NULL,ABS_CAST(OT_Obj,obj),   \
          (int (*)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj)) cmp3 \
#define OT_B_FIND(tab,itab,obj,cmp3)               \
        OT_b_find                                  \
        (                                          \
          tab,itab,ABS_CAST(OT_Obj,obj),           \
          (int (*)(OT_Obj lobj, OT_Obj robj)) cmp3 \
position of key element 'obj' in table 'tab' or 0 ( binary search )
Optional the index table 'idxtab' specifies the sort order.


void OT_delH(OT_Tab tab)
#define OT_DEL_H OT_delH
removes header of table 'tab'
void OT_delT(OT_Tab tab)
#define OT_DEL_T OT_delT
removes table 'tab'
void OT_delE(OT_Tab tab, INT idx)
#define OT_DEL_E OT_delE
removes table element tab[idx]
void OT_delES(OT_Tab tab, INT idx, INT cnt)
#define OT_DEL_ES OT_delES
removes 'cnt' elements from table 'tab' beginning at index 'idx'
void OT_clear(OT_Tab tab)
#define OT_CLEAR OT_clear
clears table 'tab'; removes all elements


void OT_print(OT_Tab tab, void (*pMbr)(OT_Obj obj), int cols, int indent)
#define OT_PRINT(tab,pMbr,cols,ind) \
        OT_print(tab,(void (*)(OT_Obj obj)) pMbr,(cols),(ind))
prints table 'tab' to stdout ( unsorted )
void OT_s_print
       OT_Tab tab, OT_Tab idxtab, void (*pMbr)(OT_Obj obj), int cols, int indent
#define OT_S_PRINT(tab,itab,pMbr,cols,ind) \
        OT_s_print(tab,itab,(void (*)(OT_Obj obj)) pMbr,(cols),(ind))
prints table 'tab' to stdout ( sorted )

Predicates on tables & Mapping

c_bool OT_equal(OT_Tab left, OT_Tab right)
#define OT_EQUAL OT_equal
left = right ?
StdCPtr OT_map
          int argcnt,                             
          void (*fun)(OT_Obj* objs, StdCPtr any), 
          StdCPtr any,                            
          OT_Tab tab, ...                         
#define OT_MAP_F OT_map
executes 'fun' on each element in all tables
function parameter:
number of arguments
element map function
any additional context
operational tables
c_bool OT_forall
       int argcnt,                             
       c_bool (*fun)(OT_Obj* objs, StdCPtr any), 
       StdCPtr any,                            
       OT_Tab tab, ...                         
#define OT_FORALL_P OT_forall
executes 'fun' on each element in all tables;
on false execution stops
function parameter:
number of arguments
element map function
any additional context
operational tables

c_bool OT_exists
       int argcnt,                             
       c_bool (*fun)(OT_Obj* objs, StdCPtr any), 
       StdCPtr any,                            
       OT_Tab tab, ...                         
#define OT_EXISTS_P OT_exists
executes 'fun' on each element in all tables;
on true execution stops
function parameter:
number of arguments
element map function
any additional context
operational tables

Simulation of a pointer stack

#define OT_NEWSTK(stk)                  stk = OT_CREATE_ADT(StdCPtr)
#define OT_EMPTYSTK(stk)                ( OT_CNT(stk) ? C_False : C_True )
#define OT_CNTSTK(stk)                  OT_CNT(stk)
#define OT_PUSH(ptr,stk)                OT_T_INS(stk,ABS_CAST(OT_Obj,ptr))
#define OT_POP(stk)                     OT_DEL_E(stk,OT_cnt(stk)-1)
#define OT_TOP(type,stk)                OT_GET(type,stk,OT_cnt(stk)-1)
#define OT_TOP_small(type,stk)          ( (type)((long)OT_get(stk,OT_cnt(stk)-1)) )
#define OT_TOP_short(stk)               ( (short)((long)OT_get(stk,OT_cnt(stk)-1)) )
#define OT_DELSTK(stk)                  OT_DEL_T(stk)