[prim.h] Instance functions for simple data types


#include "standard.h"

Pre-defined functions for various data types

long bytesHash(c_byte x[], long len)
hash function for byte sequences
long strHash(c_string s)
hash function for type "string"
c_bool strEqual(c_string a, c_string b)
whether 'a' and 'b' are equal
long combineOrderedHash(long a, long b)
combination of two non-commuative hash values
long combineCommutativeHash(long a, long b)
combination of two permutable hash values

Pre-defined functions for primitive data types

long primHash(StdCPtr x)
hash function for primitive types like "char","int","pointer"
c_bool primEqual(StdCPtr a, StdCPtr b)
whether 'a' and 'b' are equal
c_bool primGreatEqual(StdCPtr a, StdCPtr b)
whether 'a' is greater equal than 'b'
c_bool primLessEqual(StdCPtr a, StdCPtr b)
whether 'a' is less equal than 'b'
int primCompare(StdCPtr a, StdCPtr b)
order of 'a' and 'b'
StdCPtr primCopy(StdCPtr a)
void primFree(StdCPtr a)
frees a primitive value; i.e. does nothing