[hmap.h] Type: Finite Map


#include "standard.h"
#include "prim.h"

   [hmap] implements finite maps based on dynamic hashing.

Types and macros

HMP_Dom Abstract domain type of maps
HMP_Rng Abstract range type of maps

#define MAP(Alpha,Beta)   HMP_Map          /* Polymorphic MAP - Type        */
#define MAPIT             HMP_Itr          /* Polymorphic ITR - Type        */
#define MAPTY             HMP_Typ          /* Polymorphic meta-type of MAPs */

HMP_Typ Abstract meta-type of maps

HMP_Map Abstract type of maps

Meta type of hash maps

HMP_Typ HMP_newTyp
          HMP_Dom (*domcpy)(HMP_Dom a),            
          void    (*domfre)(HMP_Dom a),            
          c_bool    (*domequ)(HMP_Dom a, HMP_Dom b), 
          long    (*domhsh)(HMP_Dom a),            
          HMP_Rng (*rngcpy)(HMP_Rng a),            
          void    (*rngfre)(HMP_Rng a)             
#define MAP_newTyp(dc, df, de, dh, rc, rf)                 \
        HMP_newTyp(                                        \
                    (HMP_Dom (*)(HMP_Dom a))           dc, \
                    (void    (*)(HMP_Dom a))           df, \
                    (c_bool    (*)(HMP_Dom a,HMP_Dom b)) de, \
                    (long    (*)(HMP_Dom a))           dh, \
                    (HMP_Rng (*)(HMP_Rng a))           rc, \
                    (void    (*)(HMP_Rng a))           rf  \
defines a new hash type
function parameter:
copies a domain
frees a domain
equality on domains
hash value of domain
copies a range
frees a range
void HMP_freeTyp( HMP_Typ t )
#define MAP_freeTyp HMP_freeTyp
frees hash type 't'
HMP_Dom (*HMP_domcpy(HMP_Typ t))(HMP_Dom a)
#define MAP_domcpy(Alpha,t) ((Alpha (*)(Alpha a))          HMP_domcpy(t))
get domain copy function of hash type 't'
void (*HMP_domfre(HMP_Typ t))(HMP_Dom a)
#define MAP_domfre(Alpha,t) ((void  (*)(Alpha a))          HMP_domfre(t))
get domain free function of hash type 't'
c_bool (*HMP_domequ(HMP_Typ t))(HMP_Dom a, HMP_Dom b)
#define MAP_domequ(Alpha,t) ((c_bool  (*)(Alpha a, Alpha b)) HMP_domequ(t))
get domain equal function of hash type 't'
long (*HMP_domhsh(HMP_Typ t))(HMP_Dom a)
#define MAP_domhsh(Alpha,t) ((long  (*)(Alpha a))          HMP_domhsh(t))
get domain hash function of hash type 't'
HMP_Rng (*HMP_rngcpy(HMP_Typ t))(HMP_Rng a)
#define MAP_rngcpy(Beta ,t) ((Beta  (*)(Beta  a))          HMP_rngcpy(t))
get range copy function of hash type 't'
void (*HMP_rngfre(HMP_Typ t))(HMP_Rng a)
#define MAP_rngfre(Beta ,t) ((void  (*)(Beta  a))          HMP_rngfre(t))
get range free function of hash type 't'

Hash Maps

Creating & Disposing

HMP_Map HMP_newMap( HMP_Typ t )
#define MAP_newMap  HMP_newMap
creates a new empty map
void HMP_freeMap(HMP_Map m)
#define MAP_freeMap HMP_freeMap
removes map 'm' from storage
all references to 'm' are invalidated!


HMP_Typ HMP_MapTyp(HMP_Map m)
#define MAP_MapTyp HMP_MapTyp
get meta-type of map 'm'
long HMP_count(HMP_Map m)
#define MAP_count HMP_count
number of domain values on which map 'm' is defined
HMP_count(m) == | { d in HMP_Dom | HMP_defined(m,d) } |

c_bool HMP_emptyMap(HMP_Map m)
#define MAP_emptyMap HMP_emptyMap
whether map 'm' is empty
HMP_emptyMap(m) == (HMP_count(m) == 0)

c_bool HMP_defined( HMP_Map m,  HMP_Dom d)
#define MAP_defined(m,d) HMP_defined(m,(HMP_Dom)(d))
con con
whether domain 'd' is defined in map 'm'
HMP_Rng HMP_apply( HMP_Map m,  HMP_Dom d)
#define MAP_apply(Beta,m,d)       ABS_CAST(Beta,HMP_apply(m,(HMP_Dom)(d)))
#define MAP_apply_small(Beta,m,d) ((Beta)((long)HMP_apply(m,(HMP_Dom)(d))))
#define MAP_apply_short(m,d)      ((short)((long)HMP_apply(m,(HMP_Dom)(d))))
con con
get range of domain 'd' in map 'm'
raises execption if not HMP_defined(m,d)


void HMP_ovrdom( HMP_Map m,  HMP_Dom d,  HMP_Rng r)
#define MAP_ovrdom(m,d,r) HMP_ovrdom(m,ABS_CAST(HMP_Dom,d),ABS_CAST(HMP_Rng,r))
var con con
defines pair ( 'd', 'r' ) or updates range of domain 'd' in map 'm'
m := m \ { (d, r) }

void HMP_dfndom( HMP_Map m,  HMP_Dom d,  HMP_Rng r)
#define MAP_dfndom(m,d,r) HMP_dfndom(m,ABS_CAST(HMP_Dom,d),ABS_CAST(HMP_Rng,r))
#define MAP_define        MAP_dfndom
var con con
defines pair ( 'd', 'r' ) in map'm'
m := m U { (d, r) }; raises exception if HMP_defined(m,d)

void HMP_upddom( HMP_Map m,  HMP_Dom d,  HMP_Rng r)
#define MAP_upddom(m,d,r) HMP_upddom(m,(HMP_Dom)(d),(HMP_Rng)(r))
#define MAP_update        MAP_upddom
var con con
updates range of domain 'd' in map 'm'
m := m \ { (d, r) }; raises exception if not HMP_defined(m,d)

void HMP_rmvdom( HMP_Map m,  HMP_Dom d)
#define MAP_rmvdom(m,d) HMP_rmvdom(m,(HMP_Dom)(d))
#define MAP_remove      MAP_rmvdom
con con
removes domain 'd' from map 'm'
makes m(d) be undefined; raises exception if not HMP_defined(m,d)

void HMP_rmvall( HMP_Map m)
#define MAP_rmvall HMP_rmvall
clears map 'm'
makes m(d) be undefined for all d

Basic hash set iterator

 Do not modify the content of an hash set
     while using a basic iterator on this set.

HMP_Itr Abstract type of iterators on maps

Creating & Disposing

HMP_Itr HMP_newItr(HMP_Map m)
#define MAP_newItr HMP_newItr
creates an iterator on hash set 'm'
void HMP_freeItr(HMP_Itr i)
#define MAP_freeItr HMP_freeItr
removes iterator 'i'

Accessing & Modifiying

c_bool HMP_emptyItr(HMP_Itr i)
#define MAP_emptyItr HMP_emptyItr
whether iterator 'i' is empty
void HMP_getItr(HMP_Itr i, HMP_Dom *d)
#define MAP_getItr(i,d) HMP_getItr(i,(HMP_Dom *) d)
get the next domain from iterator 'i' into 'd'
raises exception if 'HMP_emptyItr(i)'

void HMP_getItrAsg(HMP_Itr i, HMP_Dom *d, HMP_Rng *r)
#define MAP_getItrAsg(i,d,r) HMP_getItrAsg(i,(HMP_Dom *)(d),(HMP_Rng *)(r))
get the next pair ( domain, range ) from iterator 'i' into 'd' and 'r'
raises exception if 'HMP_emptyItr(i)'

Convenient iterator macros

 For - statement with basic iterators. Make sure to
     free the iterator if you leave the loop via break.

#define MAP_forItr(DomVar,ItrVar,MapExpr)           \
        for (ItrVar = MAP_newItr(MapExpr);          \
             MAP_emptyItr(ItrVar)                   \
             ? (MAP_freeItr(ItrVar),         C_False) \
             : (MAP_getItr(ItrVar, ((StdCPtr)&DomVar)), C_True );\

#define MAP_forItrAsg(DomVar,RngVar,ItrVar,MapExpr)             \
        for (ItrVar = MAP_newItr(MapExpr);                      \
             MAP_emptyItr(ItrVar)                               \
             ? (MAP_freeItr(ItrVar),         C_False)             \
             : (MAP_getItrAsg(ItrVar, ((StdCPtr)&DomVar), ((StdCPtr)&RngVar)), C_True );\

Operations on maps

MAP(_,_) MAP_copy(MAP(_,_) a)
copies map 'a';
The result map references the type of map 'a'.


void HMP_fprintMap
       FILE     *f,
       HMP_Map   m,
       int       indent,
       void    (*fprintPair)(FILE *f, HMP_Dom d, HMP_Rng r, int indent)
#define MAP_fprintMap HMP_fprintMap
prints map 'm' to file 'f'
void HMP_printMap
       HMP_Map  m,
       int      indent,
       void    (*printPair)(HMP_Dom d, HMP_Rng r, int indent)
#define MAP_printMap HMP_printMap
prints map 'm' to 'stdout'

Debugging & Profiling

void HMP_technicalView
       HMP_Map m,
       int     indent,
       void  (*printPair)(HMP_Dom d, HMP_Rng r, int indent)
For visual inspection and debugging purposes

Primitive Maps

   Primitive maps have an implicit meta-type which treats the
   domain and range values as anonymous pointer.
   The domain / range copy function return the element itself.
   The domain / range free function do nothing.
   The domain equal function performs a simple '==' operation.
   The domain hash function simply hashes the domain ( pointer ) value.

void MAP_init(void)
inits this module ( create meta-type )
void MAP_quit(void)
quits this module ( free meta-type )
 MAP(_,_) MAP_newPrimMap(void)
creates a primitive map
c_bool MAP_prim_equal(MAP(_,_) a, MAP(_,_) b)
whether the primitive maps 'a' and 'b' are equal
 MAP(_,_) MAP_prim_copy(MAP(_,_) a)
copies the primitive map 'a'