[styx_gen.h] STYX Compiler Library


#include "standard.h"
#include "scn_base.h"
#include "prs.h"
#include "hmap.h"

   The module [styx_gen] provides an reentrant interface for the compilation of
   STYX definitions.

Types and macros

StyxApp_T Abstract STYX application type

Styx_T Abstract STYX compiler type

Init & Quit

StyxApp_T STYX_app_init(void)
init STYX application
void STYX_app_quit(StyxApp_T styapp)
quit STYX application; release resources
Styx_T STYX_init
         StyxApp_T styapp, c_string language,
         void (*prMsg)(c_string msg), c_bool verbose, c_bool diagnose
init STYX compilation for 'language';
'prMsg' --> print function or NULL
'verbose' --> (de)activate progress information
'diagnose' --> (de)activate diagnose information

void STYX_quit(Styx_T styctx)
quit STYX compilation; release resources

Set & Get

void STYX_set_conflict_policy(Styx_T styctx, c_bool conflicts)
(dis)allow conflicts during parse table generation
void STYX_set_verbose(Styx_T styctx, c_bool verbose)
(de)activate progress information
void STYX_set_diagnose(Styx_T styctx, c_bool diagnose)
(de)activate diagnose information
void STYX_set_shortform(Styx_T styctx, c_bool shortform)
(de)activate short filenames ( default: longform )
void STYX_set_context(Styx_T styctx, Any_T extctx)
set external context information
Any_T STYX_get_context(Styx_T styctx)
get external context information
void STYX_set_fun_epath
       Styx_T styctx,
       c_string (*ef_path)(Styx_T styctx, c_string language, c_string incpath)
(re)set embedded language path retrieval function
void STYX_set_fun_edfn
       Styx_T styctx,
       c_string (*ef_dfn)(Styx_T styctx, c_string language, c_string incpath)
(re)set embedded language definition retrieval function
MAP(symbol,Styx_T) STYX_get_embed(Styx_T styctx)
STYX compilations of embedded languages or NULL;
The result map has to be released.

void STYX_get_tables(Styx_T styctx, PLR_Tab* PTab, Scn_T* Scn)
get scan & parse table


int STYX_compile_file(Styx_T styctx, c_string stydfn, c_string incpath)
compiles STYX definition in file 'stydfn' and
creates the corresponding scan & parse table;
uses 'incpath' as include path
RC > 0: number of syntax and semantic errors
RC = -1: table creation failed
RC = 0: successful compilation

int STYX_compile_string(Styx_T styctx, c_string stydfn, c_string incpath)
compiles STYX definition in string 'stydfn' and
creates the corresponding scan & parse table;
uses 'incpath' as include path
RC > 0: number of syntax and semantic errors
RC = -1: table creation failed
RC = 0: successful compilation

Table image & source generation

void STYX_createTabIMG(Styx_T styctx, c_string Environ)
unloads scan & parse table to images
[$'Environ'/]<Language>.pim (optional)

void STYX_appendTabIMG(Styx_T styctx, BinImg_T lim, BinImg_T pim)
unloads scan & parse table to images 'lim' and
optional 'pim'

void STYX_createTabC(Styx_T styctx, c_string Environ)
creates scan & parse table sources
[$'Environ'/]<Language>_pim.c (optional)

void STYX_exportTab(Styx_T styctx, c_string Environ, c_string Template)
exports scan table definition, optional based on a given template definition
[$'Environ'/]<Language>.ptbl (optional)

void STYX_appendTabC
       Styx_T styctx,
       FILE* lfp, c_string lfid, FILE* pfp, c_string pfid
appends scan & parse table sources to files 'lfp' and
optional 'pfp';
'lfid', 'pfid' --> optional file names

Abstract interface generation

void STYX_createABS(Styx_T styctx, c_string Environ)
create abstract interface [$'Environ'/]<Language>.abs
void STYX_appendABS(Styx_T styctx, FILE* fp, c_string fid)
append abstract interface to file 'fp';
'fid' --> optional file name

C interface generation

void STYX_createIntC(Styx_T styctx, c_string Environ)
create C interface [$'Environ'/]<Language>_int.c
void STYX_createAntC(Styx_T styctx, c_string Environ)
create special abstract C interface [$'Environ'/]<Language>_ant.c
void STYX_appendIntC(Styx_T styctx, FILE* fp, c_string fid)
append C interface to file 'fp';
'fid' --> optional file name

void STYX_appendAntC(Styx_T styctx, FILE* fp, c_string fid)
append C interface to file 'fp';
'fid' --> optional file name