[prs.h] LALR(1) Parser


#include "prs_io.h"
#include "otab.h"

This module [prs] does the actual - low level - parsing based on a given STYX-konform parse table definition. ( see [prs_gen] )

The parser is reentrant and allows multiple parse operations at a time.

A second facility refers to its flexible configuration which for example allows the use of another scanner than provided by the STYX system.

Within the STYX system the parse interface will only be used by the higher level parse and term construction module [ptm_gen].

Beside that the module offers access to the parse table definition.

The parser handles syntax errors as described below:

On activated early reduction mode and in the case none of the nonterminals are specified as resumption points the parse process will stop.

Otherwise a variant of the panic-mode error recovery method which only tracks the specified nonterminals will be applied.


PLR_Pdf Abstract parser type

Parse interface


PLR_Pdf PLR_createPdf(PLR_Tab PTab, StdCPtr extCfg)
creates a parser for table 'PTab' and external configuration 'extCfg'
void PLR_addGetF(PLR_Pdf Parser, int (*getToken)(PLR_Pdf Parser))
adds next token function 'getToken' to 'Parser'
void PLR_addCurSyF(PLR_Pdf Parser, c_string (*getCurSy)(PLR_Pdf Parser))
adds current token name debug function 'getCurSy' to 'Parser'
void PLR_addRedF
       PLR_Pdf Parser,
       StdCPtr (*redVal)(PLR_Pdf Parser, int symcnt, int prodId, c_bool accept)
adds reduction function 'redVal' to 'Parser'
void PLR_addSftF
       PLR_Pdf Parser, StdCPtr (*shiftVal)(PLR_Pdf Parser, int symbol)
adds shift function 'shiftVal' to 'Parser'
void PLR_addErrF(PLR_Pdf Parser, void (*error)(PLR_Pdf Parser))
adds error function 'error' to 'Parser'
void PLR_addDbgF(PLR_Pdf Parser, void (*debug)(PLR_Pdf Parser, StdCPtr val))
adds debug function 'debug' to 'Parser'
void PLR_delPdf(PLR_Pdf Parser)
removes 'Parser'
StdCPtr PLR_CfgExt(PLR_Pdf Parser)
#define PLR_CFGEXT(type,pdf) ((type)PLR_CfgExt(pdf))
external configuration of 'Parser'
PLR_Tab PLR_CfgTab(PLR_Pdf Parser)
parse table of 'Parser'


c_bool PLR_parse(PLR_Pdf Parser, c_string StartSymbol, c_bool interprete)
does the parsing for start nonterminal 'StartSymbol'
interprete --> early reduction

c_bool PLR_accept(PLR_Pdf Parser)
whether the parser accepts the EOF token
StdCPtr PLR_topVal(PLR_Pdf Parser)
pops and returns the top stack value of 'Parser'
ROW(StdCPtr) PLR_valStack(PLR_Pdf Parser)
returns the value stack of 'Parser' ( use with care ! )

Parse table interface

Copy & Delete

PLR_Tab PLR_copyTab(PLR_Tab PTab)
copies parse table 'PTab'
void PLR_delTab(PLR_Tab PTab)
removes parse table 'PTab'


c_string PLR_language(PLR_Tab PTab)
language name of parse table 'PTab'
int PLR_conflictCnt(PLR_Tab PTab)
number of conflicts of parse table 'PTab';
available only after construction

int PLR_tokenCnt(PLR_Tab PTab)
number of tokens of parse table 'PTab'
int PLR_nontermCnt(PLR_Tab PTab)
number of nonterminals of parse table 'PTab'
int PLR_startCnt(PLR_Tab PTab)
number of startsymbols of parse table 'PTab'
int PLR_symbolCnt(PLR_Tab PTab)
number of symbols of parse table 'PTab'

Nonterminal conversion macros

/* Nonterminal index to symbol */
#define PLR_NTI_TO_NTS(t,i)   (PLR_tokenCnt(t)+(i))
/* Nonterminal symbol to index */
#define PLR_NTS_TO_NTI(t,s)   ((s)-PLR_tokenCnt(t))
/* Nonterminal symbol to class */
#define PLR_NTS_TO_NTC(t,s)   PLR_ntClass((t), \

int PLR_startSymbol(PLR_Tab PTab, int startId)
startsymbol 'startId' of parse table 'PTab'
[startId=0..StartCnt-1] --> [0..SymbolCnt-1]

c_bool PLR_isErrorNt(PLR_Tab PTab, int ntId)
whether 'ntId' is an error nonterminal of parse table 'PTab'

int PLR_ntClassId(PLR_Tab PTab, int ntId)
class index of nonterminal 'ntId' of parse table 'PTab'
[ntId=0..NtCnt-1] --> [0..NtCnt-1]

int PLR_ntClass(PLR_Tab PTab, int ntClsId)
class symbol of nonterminal 'ntId' of parse table 'PTab'
[ntClsId=0..NtCnt-1] --> [0..SymbolCnt-1]

int PLR_symType(PLR_Tab PTab, int symId)
type of symbol 'symId' of parse table 'PTab' [symId=0..SymbolCnt-1]
c_string PLR_symName(PLR_Tab PTab, int symId)
name of symbol 'symId' of parse table 'PTab' [symId=0..SymbolCnt-1]
int PLR_prodCnt(PLR_Tab PTab)
number of productions of parse table 'PTab'
int PLR_prodNonTerm(PLR_Tab PTab, int prodId)
nonterminal of production 'prodId' of parse table 'PTab'
[prodId=0..PCnt-1] --> [0..SymbolCnt-1]

int PLR_prodMethod(PLR_Tab PTab, int prodId)
int PLR_prodSymCnt(PLR_Tab PTab, int prodId)
number of members of production 'prodId'
of parse table 'PTab' [prodId=0..PCnt-1]

int PLR_prodSymbol(PLR_Tab PTab, int prodId, int psymId)
symbol of production 'prodId' and member 'psymId'
of parse table 'PTab'
[prodId=0..PCnt-1,psymId=0..PSCnt-1] --> [0..SymbolCnt-1]

int PLR_prodDSymIdx(PLR_Tab PTab, int prodId)
dynamic symbol member index of production 'prodId'
of parse table 'PTab' or -1
[prodId=0..PCnt-1] --> [0..PSCnt-1]

int PLR_prodDSymSym(PLR_Tab PTab, int prodId)
dynamic symbol member of production 'prodId'
of parse table 'PTab' or -1
[prodId=0..PCnt-1] --> [0..SymbolCnt-1]

int PLR_prodSymFrm(PLR_Tab PTab, int prodId, int psymId)
layout info for production 'prodId' and member 'psymId'
of parse table 'PTab'
[prodId=0..PCnt-1,psymId=0..PSCnt-1] -->
[negative(-->NL)] column position

c_string PLR_prodName(PLR_Tab PTab, int prodId)
name of production 'prodId' of parse table 'PTab'

int PLR_stateCnt(PLR_Tab PTab)
number of states in parse table 'PTab'
ROW(int) PLR_shiftValues(PLR_Tab PTab, int stateId)
shift value ( tokenId, followStateId ) ...
of state 'stateId' in parse table 'PTab'; allocs result row
[followStateId,stateId=0..StateCnt-1, tokenId=0..TokenCnt-1]

ROW(int) PLR_gotoValues(PLR_Tab PTab, int ntId)
goto value ( followStateId, fromStateId ) ...
of nonterminal 'ntId' in parse table 'PTab'; allocs result row
[followStateId,fromStateId=0..StateCnt-1, ntId=0..NtCnt-1]

ROW(int) PLR_actionValues(PLR_Tab PTab, int stateId)
action value ( error=-2|accept=-1|prodId, tokenId|startId|-1 ) ...
of state 'stateId' in parse table 'PTab'; allocs result row
[stateId=0..StateCnt-1, prodId=0..PCnt-1,
tokenId=0..TokenCnt-1, startId=TokenCnt..TokenCnt+StartCnt-1]