[ptm_pp.h] Parse Tree Transformation & Pretty Printing


#include "ptm.h"
#include "prs.h"

   The module [ptm_pp] supports some means for source-source-transformations.

   1) It performs a tree-to-tree transformation based on the corresponding
      grammar specifications. It handles comments, too.

      source tree based on CFG 1
      specification of CFG 2
      -------------------------------------------->  concrete target tree
      abstraction(CFG 1)   = abstraction(CFG 2)      based on CFG 2
      regexp(token(CFG 1)) = regexp(token(CFG 2))

   2) It provides the pretty printing of parse trees. This is usefull after
      a transformation, because the target tree doesn't contain any position

   This module is still under construction. The main thing todo refer to the
   layout results which are some times broken.
   Embedded languages won't be supported, either.

   Using the reentrant interface functions you can perform multiple
   transformations at a time.


Token separation types

#define PTP_SEP_NON 0 // none
#define PTP_SEP_SPC 1 // space
#define PTP_SEP_IND 2 // indent
#define PTP_SEP_ROW 3 // row

PTP_T Abstract transformation and pp type

Init & Quit

void PTP_init(PLR_Tab tab)
initializes transformation and pretty printing
based on parse table 'tab' as target grammar specification

PTP_T PTP_init_reentrant(PLR_Tab tab)
reentrant version of PTP_init
void PTP_quit(void)
terminates transformation and pretty printing
void PTP_quit_reentrant(PTP_T ctx)
reentrant version of PTP_quit; consumes 'ctx'
void PTP_set_line(int len)
set 'len' as line length for pretty printing
void PTP_set_line_reentrant(PTP_T ctx, int len)
reentrant version of PTP_set_line
void PTP_tok_sep(symbol t_lft, symbol t_rgt, int sep)
specifies the kind of seperation ( 'sep' )
between the token 't_rgt' and 't_lft';
replaces a previously defined seperation

void PTP_tok_sep_reentrant(PTP_T ctx, symbol t_lft, symbol t_rgt, int sep)
reentrant version of PTP_tok_sep
void PTP_tok_conv(symbol t_id, symbol (*conv)(symbol t_id, symbol t_src))
specifies a conversion 'conv' for token 't_id';
replaces a previously defined conversion
't_id' = NULL --> apply 'conv' to all tokens

void PTP_tok_conv_reentrant
       PTP_T ctx, symbol t_id, symbol (*conv)(symbol t_id, symbol t_src)
reentrant version of PTP_tok_conv
void PTP_tok_cset(c_bool utf8, c_bool wprint)
specifies source character set (single/multi-byte) and
pp output (on multi-byte source character set)

void PTP_tok_cset_reentrant(PTP_T ctx, c_bool utf8, c_bool wprint)
reentrant version of PTP_tok_cset

Term Pretty Printer

void PTP_pp(PT_Term tree, FILE* fp)
performs pretty printing on parse term 'tree'
( output to file 'fp' )

void PTP_pp_reentrant(PTP_T ctx, PT_Term tree, FILE* fp)
rrentrant version of PTP_pp

Tree Transformation

PT_Term PTP_nt_transform_aux(PT_Term tree, symbol nt)
performs tree-to-tree transformation on source 'tree';
uses 'nt' as startsymbol

PT_Term PTP_nt_transform_aux_reentrant
          PTP_T ctx, PT_Term tree, symbol nt
reentrant version of PTP_nt_transform_aux
PT_Term PTP_transform(PT_Term tree)
performs tree-to-tree transformation on source 'tree'
PT_Term PTP_transform_reentrant(PTP_T ctx, PT_Term tree)
reentrant version of PTP_transform