[gls_abs.h] Generic Language Support


#include "standard.h"
#include "ptm.h"

   [gls_abs] provides a generic interface for the token and nonterminal lists
   of the abstract derivation trees ( optimized representation ABS, see [ptm] )
   in the generated grammar-specific interface modules ( <Language>_ant.c ).

   Beside that this module provides generic access to an optional token or
   nonterminal (styx version >= 1).

   Note: This module [gls_abs] can't be linked with the standard module for
         generic language support [gls].


GLS_Tok Abstract token type
GLS_Lst(A) Abstract term list type
GLS_Opt(A) Abstract term option type


void GLS_init(void)
module initialisation

Token Services

symbol GLS_Tok_symbol(GLS_Tok x)
the symbol of token 'x'
PT_Abs_Term GLS_Tok_cfg(GLS_Tok x)
the embedded language of token 'x'
c_string GLS_Tok_string(GLS_Tok x)
the string value of token 'x'
c_bool GLS_Term_Tok(PT_Abs_Term x, GLS_Tok *t)
Term to token selector

List Service

c_bool GLS_Term_Lst(PT_Abs_Term x, GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term) *lst)
Term to GLS_Lst selector
c_bool GLS_Lst_nil(GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term) x)
#define GLS_EMPTY(term) ( GLS_Lst_nil((PT_Abs_Term)(term)) )
nil - selector
c_bool GLS_Lst_cons
  GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term) x,
  PT_Abs_Term* fst,
  GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term)* rst
cons - selector
PT_Abs_Term GLS_Lst_first(GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term) x)
#define GLS_FIRST(type,term) ( (type)GLS_Lst_first((GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term))(term)) )
first element in list 'x'
PT_Abs_Term GLS_Lst_rest(GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term) x)
#define GLS_REST(type,term) \
        ( (GLS_Lst(type))GLS_Lst_rest((GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term))(term)) )
remaining elements in list 'x'
int GLS_Lst_length(GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term) x)
#define GLS_LENGTH(term) ( GLS_Lst_length((GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term))(term)) )
length of list 'x'
PT_Abs_Term GLS_Lst_nth(GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term) x, int nth)
#define GLS_NTH(type,term,nth) ((type)GLS_Lst_nth((GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term))(term),nth))
nth element in list 'x' ( nth >= 1 )

Option service

c_bool GLS_Term_Opt(PT_Abs_Term x, GLS_Opt(PT_Abs_Term) *opt)
Term to GLS_Lst selector
c_bool GLS_Opt_none(GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term) x)
#define GLS_OPT_NONE(term) ( GLS_Opt_none((PT_Abs_Term)(term)) )
none - selector
c_bool GLS_Opt_some(GLS_Lst(PT_Abs_Term) x)
#define GLS_OPT_SOME(term) ( GLS_Opt_some((PT_Abs_Term)(term)) )
some - selector
PT_Abs_Term GLS_Opt_term(GLS_Opt(PT_Abs_Term) x)
#define GLS_OPT_TERM(type,term) ( (type)GLS_Opt_term((GLS_Opt(PT_Abs_Term))(term)) )
element in option 'x'

Convenient iterator macros

#define GLS_FORALL(it,li)      for( (it) = ((PT_Abs_Term)(li));  \
                                   ! GLS_EMPTY(it);          \
                                   it = GLS_REST(PT_Abs_Term,it) )
#define GLS_FORALLI(it,li,c)   for( c=0, (it) = ((PT_Abs_Term)(li));  \
                                   ! GLS_EMPTY(it);               \
                                   ++c, it = GLS_REST(PT_Abs_Term,it) )