[sysbase1.h] Standard Definitions ( Part 1 )


#include "sysbase0.h"

Byte/String & VarArg Handling

StdCPtr BytCopy(StdCPtr bytes, long len)
copies 'len' bytes of byte array 'bytes';
allocs memory

c_bstring BytToBStrCopy(StdCPtr bytes, long len)
constructs a binary string
from 'len' bytes of byte array 'bytes';
allocs memory

c_string BytToHStrCopy(StdCPtr bytes, long len)
creates a hex string from 'len' bytes of byte array 'bytes';
allocs memory

c_string BStrToHStrCopy(c_bstring bstr)
creates a hex string from binary string 'bstr';
allocs memory

c_bool IsSpaceStr(c_string s)
whether string 's' is empty or
only contains space characters

size_t WCStrLen(wc_string ws)
number of wide characters in string 'ws'
( without the termination character )

wc_string SubWCStrCopy(wc_string str, long len)
copies 'len' wide characters of string 'str';
appends 0, allocs memory

wc_string WCStrCopy(wc_string Str)
copies wide character string 'Str'; allocs memory
c_string WCToStrCopy(wc_string wc)
copies wide character string 'wc' into a string;
without conversion, allocs memory

wc_string WCStrToLower(wc_string st)
converts all letters in wide character string 'st' to lower case
wc_string WCStrToUpper(wc_string st)
converts all letters in wide character string 'st' to upper case
c_string SubStrCopy(c_string str, long len)
copies 'len' characters of string 'str';
appends 0, allocs memory

c_string StrCopy(c_string Str)
copies string 'Str'; allocs memory
c_string StrToLower(c_string st)
converts all letters in string 'st' to lower case
c_string StrToUpper(c_string st)
converts all letters in string 'st' to upper case
Any_T* MakeArgLst(va_list args, int fixed_cnt, ...)
MakeArgLst is a portable replacement for GetArgLst coping with the
* idiosyncracies of different va_list implementations. Since there is
* no portable way to pass a va_list (caller's variable arguments)
* through '...', it has to be moved before the caller's fixed args.
* fixed_cnt is the count of the caller's fixed arguments.
* Sample usage:
* variadic_func(int argcnt, TYPEA a, TYPEB b, TYPEC c, ...)
* {
* va_list va;
* Any_T *argl;
* va_start(va,c); // Must use the *last* fixed argument here
* argl = MakeArgLst(va, 4, argcnt, a, b, c);
* va_end(va);
* // make use of argl
* FreeMem(argl);
* }
* For an in depth discussion of variadic functions including
* portability, see libc.info Node: Variadic Functions.

Workaround for missing C library functions

wc_string wcsstr_aux(wc_string s1, wc_string s2)
workaround for 'wcsstr'
c_string strstr_aux(c_string s1, c_string s2)
workaround for 'strstr'
wc_string wcschr_aux(wc_string s, wc_char c)
workaround for 'wcschr'
c_string strchr_aux(c_string s, int c)
workaround for 'strchr'
wc_string wcsrchr_aux(wc_string s, wc_char c)
workaround for 'wcsrchr'
c_string strrchr_aux(c_string s, int c)
workaround for 'strrchr'
int strcspn_aux(c_string s, c_string reject)
workaround for 'strcspn'
StdCPtr memcpy_aux(StdCPtr dst, StdCPtr src, int n)
workaround for 'memcpy'
int memcmp_aux(StdCPtr dst, StdCPtr src, int n)
workaround for 'memcmp'
c_string getcwd_aux(c_string buffer, int bufsize)
workaround for 'getcwd'; evaluates $PWD

System Error

c_string GetSystemError(void)
system error message; allocs memory
c_string GetSystemError_noalloc(c_string buffer, int bufsize)
system error message

Program Execution

#define STD_CMD_NOWAIT     0
#define STD_CMD_WAIT_INIT  1
#define STD_CMD_WAIT       2

int runprg(c_string cmd, int cmdflg)
executes program 'cmd'
cmdflg=STD_CMD_NOWAIT --> asynchron, non-blocking
cmdflg=STD_CMD_WAIT_INIT --> waits for initialisation
cmdflg=STD_CMD_WAIT --> synchron, blocking

DLL & dynamic Function Call Support

typedef StdCPtr (*PCFUN)();

StdCPtr apply_fun_portable(PCFUN f, int cnt, StdCPtr* args)
portable dynamic call of C-function 'f'
with 'cnt' parameters in 'args'
( upto 9 parameters )

StdCPtr apply_fun(PCFUN f, int cnt, StdCPtr* args)
dynamic call of C-function 'f'
with 'cnt' parameters in 'args'
( restricted to intel )

DL_Hdl Abstract handle type

#define DL_LOAD_LAZY    0

#if !defined(STYX_CONFIG_OSMS) && (!defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) || (defined(HAVE_LIBDL) && defined(HAVE_DLFCN_H)))
#define DL_LAZY         RTLD_LAZY
#define DL_NOW          RTLD_NOW
#define DL_LOCAL        RTLD_LOCAL
#define DL_LAZY         0
#define DL_NOW          0
#define DL_GLOBAL       0
#define DL_LOCAL        0

DL_Hdl DL_open(c_string dlname, int flag)
loads dll 'dlname' in mode 'flag' ( ERROR: NULL )

int DL_close(DL_Hdl dlhdl)
detaches dll 'dlhdl' ( SUCCESS: 0, ERROR: > 0 )
StdCPtr DL_symbol(DL_Hdl dlhdl, c_string symname)
address of symbol 'symname' within dll 'dlhdl' ( ERROR: NULL )
LINUX: function|data, MS: function

c_string DL_error(void)
dll load error; allocs memory
c_string DL_error_noalloc(c_string buffer, int bufsize)
dll load error

Network Support

c_string UserName(void)
login name; allocs memory