[gstream] supports the conversion of strings from one character set to another. Beside that it provides a generic stream library which is able to handle different character sets. Supported platforms are Unix and Windows.
#if defined( _MSDOS ) || defined( _WIN32 ) #define CS_ID_WCHAR "1200" #else #define CS_ID_WCHAR "UCS-4" #endif #define CS_ID_MBYTE "UTF-8"
CSConv_T | Character set conversion type |
GStream_T | Generic stream type |
// read byte vector function (RC>=0 <==> bytes read, RC=-1 <==> error) typedef int (*GS_getb_T)(GStream_T gstream, c_byte* b, int cnt); // put byte vector function (RC>=0 <==> bytes written, RC=-1 <==> error) typedef int (*GS_putb_T)(GStream_T gstream, c_byte* b, int cnt); // fseek function // (RC = new byte position = origin + offset <==> OK, RC=-1 <==> error) typedef LONG_INT (*GS_seek_T)(GStream_T gstream, long offset, int origin); // close and free function typedef void (*GS_destruct_T)(GStream_T gstream);
int GS_csconv_ucs4_utf8 ( wc_string in, size_t insize, c_string out, size_t outsize ) | ucs4 --> utf-8 ( RFC 2279 ) 'insize' contains the number of wide characters in 'in', L'\0' inclusive. 'outsize' contains the number of bytes in 'out', '\0' inclusive. 'out': utf-8 representation of 'in' or NULL RC: >=0 on O.K. ( number of written bytes ) | =-1 on possible incomplete input | =-2 on error |
int GS_csconv_utf8_ucs4 ( c_string in, size_t insize, wc_string out, size_t outsize ) | utf-8 --> ucs4 ( RFC 2279 ) 'insize' contains the number of bytes in 'in', '\0' inclusive. 'outsize' contains the number of wide characters in 'out', L'\0' inclusive. 'out': ucs4 representation of 'in' or NULL RC: >=0 on O.K. ( number of written wide characters ) | =-1 on possible incomplete input | =-2 on error |
c_string GS_ucs4_to_utf8(wc_string in) | ucs4 --> utf-8 ( RFC 2279 ) RC: utf-8 representation of 'in' or NULL; allocs memory |
wc_string GS_utf8_to_ucs4(c_string in) | utf-8 --> ucs4 ( RFC 2279 ) RC: ucs4 representation of 'in' or NULL; allocs memory |
void GS_fprint_utf8(FILE* fp, c_string s, c_bool raw) | print utf-8 string 's' to file 'fp' raw --> printable ascii or hex |
void GS_fprint_ucs4(FILE* fp, wc_string ws, c_bool raw) | print ucs4 string 'ws' to file 'fp' raw --> printable ascii or hex |
CSConv_T GS_csconv_new(c_string ct, c_string cs) | create new character set conversion description ( RC=NULL on error ) |
void GS_csconv_free(CSConv_T csci) | free character set conversion description |
int GS_csconv_string ( CSConv_T csci, c_string in, int insize, c_string out, int* outsize ) | character set conversion of 'in' to 'out' 'outsize' contains the number of bytes in 'out'. 'in' and 'out' must be a valid character buffers with size > 0. RC: >=0 on O.K. ( number of conversions / characters ) | =-1 on possible incomplete input | =-2 on error |
void GS_stream_file_free(GStream_T gstream) | free file stream 'gstream' |
void GS_stream_file_destruct(GStream_T gstream) | close and free file stream 'gstream' |
GStream_T GS_stream_file_new ( FILE* fp, c_string cs, c_bool close ) | create new generic stream on a file opened for binary I/O 'cs' : character set name ( UCS4, UTF-8, MS:CodePage / GNU:iconv-based ) 'close': true <--> close file on stream destruction RC: stream on O.K. | NULL on error |
void GS_stream_string_free(GStream_T gstream) | free string stream 'gstream' |
GStream_T GS_stream_string_new ( c_string s, unsigned int len, c_string cs ) | create new generic stream on a string buffer 'len': string size in bytes, inclusive terminating bytes 'cs' : character set name ( UCS4, UTF-8, MS:CodePage / GNU:iconv-based ) RC: stream on O.K. | NULL on error Note: During write operations when reaching the end of the buffer 's' will be deleted and recreated. |
c_bool GS_stream_string_set ( GStream_T gstream, c_string s, unsigned int len ) | reset the string buffer of generic stream 'gstream' 'len': string size in bytes, inclusive terminating bytes RC: True = O.K. Note: The character set of 's' and 'gstream' must be the same. |
c_bool GS_stream_string_insert ( GStream_T gstream, c_string s, unsigned int len ) | insert 's' into the string buffer of generic stream 'gstream' 'len': string size in bytes, exclusive terminating bytes RC: True = O.K. Note: The character set of 's' and 'gstream' must be the same. |
int GS_stream_get_wcval(GStream_T gstream, wc_int* wc) | get wide character 'wc' from 'gstream' RC: =1 on O.K. | =0 on O.K. and EOF | =-1 on error |
int GS_stream_get_wcrc(GStream_T gstream) | get wide character from 'gstream' RC: >=0 as wide character or =-1 on EOF | =-2 on error |
int GS_stream_put_wcval(GStream_T gstream, wc_int wc) | put wide character 'wc' to 'gstream' RC: >=0 on O.K. | =-1 on error |
int GS_stream_bytepos(GStream_T gstream, unsigned int* pos) | get ( relative ) stream position in bytes RC: =0 on O.K. | =-1 on error |
GS_getb_T GS_fun_getb(GStream_T gstream) | get byte function of 'gstream' or NULL |
GS_putb_T GS_fun_putb(GStream_T gstream) | put byte function of 'gstream' or NULL |
GS_seek_T GS_fun_seek(GStream_T gstream) | position function of 'gstream' or NULL |
GS_destruct_T GS_fun_destruct(GStream_T gstream) | close and free function of 'gstream' or NULL |