
ptm_img Term Put&Get

'ptm_img' translates the given source file into a binary format and reverse. In the reverse case it lists the derivation tree on stdout.

The source file must be conform with the language parameter. It uses the image files of the parser and scanner tables, [Language.lim] and [Language.pim].

In case you specify a start symbol the parsing process starts from this nonterminal. The symbol must be specified as valid start nonterminal in [Language.sty]. If the option is omitted the parser takes the first start nonterminal.


Language name language name
Img path path of the binary format


An option will be specified as follows: -<Name>=<Value>
A flag is toggled that way: -<Name>
The default value will be applied when the option wasn't specified.

NameTypeDefault valueSemantic
FileName path"" path of source file to parse
charset string"" source file character set ( UTF-8, UCS4, ... )
skipset string"" ( ascii ) characters to be skipped
lookahead flagfalse enable n character lookahead
binmode flagfalse scan source file in binary mode ( not with charset-option )
wprint flagfalse unicode / UTF-8 output ( on non-default character set )
prepar string"" standard preprocessing: yes or list index~value , ...
premac string"" standard preprocessing: pre-defined macro , ...
prefun string"" user-defined preprocessing: Function@Library ( not with prepar-option )
Start string"" start symbol
xaron flagfalse create a derivation tree ( lisp like representation )
early flagfalse use early reduction
shiftfun string"" user-defined token conversion: Function@Library ( see [ptm_gen] )
reducefun string"" user-defined nonterminal conversion: Function@Library ( see [ptm_gen] )

The options 'prepar' and 'premac' are only useful with styx-like preprocessing.

If your language uses the same preprocessing directives as specified in [styx.sty], but differnt macro token identifiers and keywords, the option 'prepar' can be used to enable preprocessing and specify the differences as a comma separated list:

  1. 0~name of identifier token
  2. 1~name of macro definition token
  3. 2~name of argument separator token
  4. 3~name of include token
  5. 4~name of conditional token
  6. 5~name of undefine token
  7. 6~#macro keyword
  8. 7~#end keyword
  9. 8~#ifdef keyword
  10. 9~#ifndef keyword
  11. 10~#else keyword
  12. 11~#include keyword
  13. 12~#undefine keyword
  14. 13~environment variable or path list as search path for include files
  15. 14~include file character set ( default: charset-option )

The option 'premac' supports pre-defined macros in connection with styx-like preprocessing.

Dynamic library support is a prerequisite for the user-defined callback handler.


An environment variable will be specified as follows: -<Name>=<Value>
The default value will be applied when no environment variable was specified.

NameTypeDefault valueSemantic
BINSTYX pathPATH search environment for [Language.pim] and [Language.lim]