[binset.h] Type: Binary Set


#include "standard.h"

Types and macros

The elements in a binary set M with card(M) = N are represented by the numbers 0 .. N-1.
BS_Set Abstract binary set type

Element, row and column index
#define BS_RELEL(l,r,maxC)      ( ( ( ( l ) - 1 ) * ( maxC ) ) + ( r ) )
                                /* r = SetElement 1 .. maxC */
                                /* l = SetElement 1 ..      */
#define BS_RIDX(v,maxC)         ( ( ( v ) - 1 ) / ( maxC ) + 1 )
#define BS_CIDX(v,maxC)         ( ( ( v ) - 1 ) % ( maxC ) + 1 )


BS_Set BS_init(BS_Set set)
initializes set
BS_Set BS_create(INT card)
creates a binary set
INT BS_card(BS_Set set)
cardinality of set
void BS_delS(BS_Set set)
deletes set

Operations and predicates on one set

INT BS_setE(INT element, BS_Set set)
adds element to set
void BS_delE(INT element, BS_Set set)
deletes element from set
c_bool BS_member(INT element, BS_Set set)
element in set ?
c_bool BS_empty(BS_Set set)
empty set ?
INT BS_cnt(BS_Set set)
number of elements in set

Operations and predicates on two sets

c_bool BS_equal(BS_Set left, BS_Set right)
left = right ?
c_bool BS_subset(BS_Set left, BS_Set right)
left <= right ?
BS_Set BS_copy(BS_Set dst, BS_Set src)
copies src to dst
BS_Set BS_union(BS_Set dst, BS_Set left, BS_Set right)
dst = left U right
BS_Set BS_minus(BS_Set dst, BS_Set left, BS_Set right)
dst = left - right
BS_Set BS_inter(BS_Set dst, BS_Set left, BS_Set right)
dst = left & right

Binary graph

INT BS_setGE(BS_Set rel, INT SetCard, INT from, INT to)
adds a vertice, requires initialized rel
BS_Set BS_setG(BS_Set rel, INT SetCard, c_bool (*isRel)(INT from, INT to))
adds vertices, requires initialized rel
BS_Set BS_copyR(BS_Set rel, BS_Set set, INT row, c_bool toGraph)
copies set to rel[row] (toGraph = True), rel[row] to set (toGraph = False)
INT BS_findR(BS_Set rel, BS_Set set)
searches row with rel[row] = set, returns
row = 1 .. ( BS__CARD(rel) / BS__CARD(set) ) oder 0

The following functions require binary relations over a single domain.
BS_Set BS_trans(BS_Set rel, INT SetCard)
reverse relation / transponent matrix rel'
BS_Set BS_rclosure(BS_Set dst, BS_Set rel, INT SetCard)
reflexive closure dst = rel U id
BS_Set BS_sclosure(BS_Set dst, BS_Set rel, INT SetCard)
symmetric closure dst = rel U rel'
BS_Set BS_iclosure(BS_Set dst, BS_Set rel, INT SetCard)
(Warshall in N*N-Platz, vgl. Mehlhorn) transitive closure dst = rel+
BS_Set BS_closure(BS_Set dst, BS_Set rel, INT SetCard)
(Warshall) transitive, reflexive closure dst = rel*
BS_Set BS_eclosure(BS_Set dst, BS_Set rel, INT SetCard)
equivalence relation dst = (rel U rel')*
BS_Set BS_kern(BS_Set dst, BS_Set rel, INT SetCard)
kernel dst = rel\square(rel), requires rel = strict order